One of most famous waterfalls in Africa Selatan.before called indigenous Khoikhoipeople waterfalls. Ankoerebis give the name, which means "place of great noise". newsettlers derived the name Augrabies Falls this. Statistics Waterfall overcome many ofthe famous Niagara Falls. In 1988, flows through the waterfall is 7800 m3 of water persecond. More than three times the average flow of Niagara Falls only sezóního. In the case of an annual average of more than four times the flow. Augrabies Falls is also the largest lead in the overall flow of anti-Niagara Falls. If the Orange River during its existence has created a local valley, which consists of granite and today is 18 km longand 240 m deep.
In the city in May pointed to a number of tourist attractions, such as Ai-Ais Hot spa kmabout 289, Fish River canyon about 287 km, Richtersveld km about 319, about 343 km of Orange River
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