Pyramid of Hellinikon is a remnant of the mysterious pyramids of ancient Greek city Ellinika. Located in the southeastern part of the Greek mainland. The pyramid is estimated to have included historians, military bases. According to another theory was Pyramid of Hellinikon memorial to honor the fallen in battle, which brought the brothers and Proetus Akrisius of succession after his father, who was king of Argos.
The structure is slightly different from the constituent rock pyramid is another. Hellinikon pyramid itself is composed of pure rock without a polished, founded in Mycenean era (1600-1000 BC). Hellinikon located on the mainland Argolid, Greece, the function of this pyramid is not much different, ie as a place of burial.
The pyramid was first excavated by Americans and Germans in the early 1900s and the 1960s.
Pausanias, a Greek traveler in the second century AD described the structure as a pyramid. One of the pyramid is located at Hellenikon (Ελληνικό in Greek), a village near Argos near the ancient ruins of Tiryns story surrounding the monument.
Nothing remains or graves in or near the structure. Instead, the rooms are occupied by walls made should be locked from the inside. This is coupled with the platform roof, means that one function of this structure can serve as the control tower. Another possibility for the buildings is that their place of worship for heroes and warriors of ancient times, but the keys in no sense for such a purpose.
Pyramid of Hellinikon estimated archaeologists originated in the period 600-400 BC. According to modern methods of measurement of optical thermoluminescence But scientists have come to much staším data. The ancient pyramid in this modern methods perhaps dates back to the year 2720 BC. This amazing information, however, is found in archaeological circles, dismissed as impossible, and results have been challenged. The pyramid would have been older than Cheops pyramid in Egypt.
Pyramid of Hellinikon is mentioned in the book Lost Knowledge Hunters (Jäger verlorenen Wissens) designed by Erich von Däniken and the team of authors. Exact age and purpose of the building may be able to accurately determine in the future because the current conventional methods of research are limited. Pyramid of Hellinikon was damaged and partially dismantled by local residents on building materials and artifacts disappeared. Pyramid of Hellinikon is one of the 16 cataloged pyramids in Greece.
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