Sintren Dance History

Sintren is the art of Javanese traditional dance, especially in the town of Pekalongan.Art is famous on the north coast of Central Java and West Java, among others in Pemalang, Pekalongan, Brebes, Banyumas, Kuningan, Cirebon, Indramayu, and Jatibarang. Arts Sintren also known as lais. Arts Sintren known as the dance with the scent of mystical magic that comes from love story Sulasih with Sulandono.

Sintren is a dance that smells mystical / magical love story sourced from Sulasih and Sulandono.Tersebut in the story that is the son of Ki Baurekso Sulandono his marriage with Goddess Rantamsari results. Raden Sulandono Sulasih love with a girl from the village Kalisalak, but the love affair does not get the blessing of Ki Baurekso. Finally R. Sulandono go and Sulasih choose to become dancers.
Although such meetings are still ongoing between the two natural malalui goib. The meeting was organized by the Goddess Rantamsari who died when his body disappeared in goib, that is the way that at every event where Sulasih appeared as a dancer then Goddess Rantamsari enter into the body Sulasih angelic spirits, at the same time R. Sulandono being summoned spirits imprisoned his mother to meet Sulasih and there was a meeting between Sulasih and R. Sulandono, that is the way that at every event where Sulasih appeared as a dancer then Goddess Rantamsari enter into the body Sulasih angelic spirits, at the same time R. Sulandono who was imprisoned spirits summoned his mother to meet Sulasih and there was a meeting between Sulasih and R. Sulandono.
Since then each held Sintren show, the dancer must be entered into the spirit of an angel by his keeper, with remarks that it is done when the dancers really still in a state of pure (virgin). Sintren played by a girl who is still sacred, assisted by the handler and accompanied gising 6 people, according to the development of dance as an entertainment culture Sintren then fitted with a dancer companion and bador (comedy).

 Forms Show :

Sintren played by a girl who is still sacred, assisted by the handler to the accompaniment of gising 6 people. In the development of dance as an entertainment culture Sintren, then equipped with a dancer companion and bodor (comedy).

In the game folk art was influential among other Lanjar Goddess in the game Sintren, the handler (mastermind) often invite the Spirit Goddess Lanjar to get into the game Sintren. When, the spirit of Goddess Lanjar successfully invited, then the dancers Sintren will look more beautiful and bring more agile and enchanting dance.

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