Kacapi Suling Instrument History

Kacapi is a Sundanese musical instrument that is played as the main instrument in the Sunda or Mamaos Tembang Kacapi Cianjuran and flute.Kacapi in Sundanese word also refers to the plant Sentul, who believed the wood used to make musical instruments Kacapi.

Kacapi waditra Sundanese flute is a device found in almost every region in Tatar Sunda. Waditranya consists of Kacapi and Flute. Kacapinya consists of Kacapi Goon or Kacapi Kacapi Parahu or bun. In addition to instrumental presented, Kacapi Flute can also be used to accompany the chanting Interpreter Sekar Sekar Anggana songs or Rampak Sekar. The song is in sajikannya include: sinom Degung, Kaleon, Talutur and so forth. The barrel in the barrel Salendro pergunakannya, pelog or Sorog.

In contrast with the title Kacapi Flute or Kacapian when using Kacapi Siter. It is not unusual except Kacapi Siter and moreover the flute at 1 (satay) set Kendang and 1 (one) set of Goong. That in the same barrel as the barrel pergunakannya commonly in use show that use Kacapi Flute Kacapi Parahu namely "barrel Salendro, pelog, Sorog. Lyre lyre Siter Flute that use, in addition to presenting instrumental also in use to accompany singing (kawih) both Anggana Sekar or through Rampak Sekar.The songs are presented in Anggana Sekar is like: Malati on Mount Guntur, Sagagang Kembang Ros and others. As for Rampak Sekar among Seuneu Bandung, Weak Cai and others.

In the development that uses both Kacapi Flute and Kacapi Parahu Kacapi Sitter, often used to accompany the show Ngaras Narration Sunda and Sunda Panganten Siraman, Siraman Slave Circumcision, Siraman Tingkeban.

Besides instrumental also presented rumpakanya songs tailored to the needs of the event will be carried on. The song is presented taken from Sundanese songs Tembang Candrawulan As such, Jemplang Coral, Kapati-starch or Kaleon and so forth. Some are taking the songs or songs kawih Panambih on Sunda Tembang like them Senggot Pangemat, Pupunden Ati and so forth.

In addition to the lyre and the flute there is also the violin and lyre lyre Rebab that brought the songs the same. In the presentation, the framework of lute playing rhythm while the song played by flute, violin or Rebab. The scales or the barrel of the Sunda Karawitan called with Surupan, some are on call with Salendro, pelog and Sorog.

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