Decebalus King Statue

Decebalus king statue is a stone statue of the highest in Europe, a Dacian king, alongside a river near Orşova Danube, Romania. The statue was as high as 131 feet (40 meters), has completed five years ago. picture: Getty.He was a good leader, who even had to pay a certain period of the Roman Empire for a large amount of gold that keep the peace in the lower Danube. I therefore plays an important role in dějiných rumuských. Statue of King Decebalus created in 10 years. Working on it 12 sculptors from 1994 to 2004. Today, a popular tourist attraction reportedly came to more than $ 1 million. Instead, this statue, already on the beach of Serbia, is an ancient plaque (Tabula Traiana), which commemorates the victory of the Roman Empire in 105 Practical Dáckým Kingdom.


Statue of King Decebalus is best accessed by water. You can use the boat from the nearest town or village Dubova Orsova, in whose land the statue is located. Getting here by car but can

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